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Matt Wolfe Marketing Agency - StoryBrand Certified Guide_edited.jpg

Find the brand message, website design, and marketing strategy you need to connect with the right people and grow.

Your business deserves A bigger audience

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Use a Proven,

Tested Strategy

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Share a Clear,

Compelling Message

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Win Trust and

Increase Sales

Why marketing fails to connect - Matt Wolfe StoryBrand Marketing Made Simple_edited.jpg

too many marketing Strategies fail to connect with their audience


Somehow, the people you built your business to help still aren't getting the message. The discouragement of a fizzled marketing push runs deep when you're driven to make a difference. 

Your business was built to make an impact, and your voice deserves to be heard

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a clear message developed with the StoryBrand Framework earns trust from customers and clients - Matt Wolfe Marketing Made Simple

Find a Message that connects


Using the proven StoryBrand Framework, share a clear message about your offering and win trust in your brand.

Cuustomers respond to a new website and sales funnel and drive growth for a business thanks to StoryBrand marketing.

Use it to drive growth


Turn your website into a lead-gathering machine and build a sales funnel to convert them into sales.

StoryBrand tactics and marketing made simple strategies develop passion for your brand - Matt Wolfe Marketing

Inspire Passion for Your Brand


A clear message is repeatable. Share the heart behind your business and inspire others to spread the word!

About Matt
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Matt Wolfe Marketing

I know how hard it is to know you have a great story and not know how to tell it.

I spent more than 25 years in professional theatre on Broadway and beyond, learning as an actor, director, and educator how to tell stories in the most powerful ways possible.


Now, I combine that knowledge with more than a decade of marketing experience in more than 30 different industries and my expertise as a StoryBrand Certified Guide.


Living in both worlds taught me the two things your business needs to grow. You must have:


  • Clarity - or else no one will follow you.

  • Passion - or else no one will care.


When those two elements combine, there’s no stopping you. 

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"With Matt's expertise, I have a website I'm incredibly proud of.  Not to mention, I'm bringing in clients at a rate I've never achieved before.  Prior to finding Matt Wolfe, Flourish was moving.  With his support, it's now flying." â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Josh Vaisman, Co-Founder

Flourish Veterinary Consulting, LLC​

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""I left my 15-year career to launch an independent consultancy but struggled with who I was, how I helped my clients, and the specific services I offered. Working with Matt changed EVERYTHING . . .  


Jackie Martin, Principal Consultant

Branch Strategy​


"I've worked with a number of coaches and consultants, but Matt stood out because he made the process about ME and my business and not about him and his process..." 

Zach Mercurio, Ph.D.

Speaker, Consultant, and Author

What is the StoryBrand Framework, and why does it work?

Your customers don’t want to sit and watch you stand in the spotlight, telling your story. They want to be ON stage, right in the middle of theirs. They want to know how your business makes their life better.


So, flip the script! Shift from being the star of the show to sitting in the director’s chair. Make the customer the hero of your messaging and guide them through their own success story.


This is how you connect with your audience. When you tell your company's story from their hero's perspective, they gain greater clarity on what you're offering and why they need it.


At the same time, taking on the role of a trusted guide sets you free to talk about your offering from a heart of service. It unlocks greater passion and joy in your messaging.


All of this is made possible by the StoryBrand Framework, a proven, tested marketing strategy driving growth for thousands of businesses around the world.

Go from hero to guide with StoryBrand marketing  - Matt Wolfe_edited.jpg
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Actor to Director

Deep Expertise in StoryBrand Methodology


As a StoryBrand Certified Guide and member of the Guide Advisory Board, I've helped more than 150 businesses around the world to leverage this proven framework for growth. 

  • Healthcare

  • TeleHealth

  • Medical Cost Sharing

  • Pet Care

  • Nutritional Supplements

  • Food Products

  • Regenerative Agriculture

  • Landscaping

  • Nonprofit

  • Churches and Ministries

  • Satellite Imagery

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Telecom

  • IT Services

  • Tech Recruiting

  • Software as a Service

  • Structural Engineering

  • Real Estate

  • Home Services

  • Interior Design

  • Financial Advisors

  • Accounting

  • Insurance

  • Legal Services

  • Government Contractors

  • Marketing Agencies

  • Speakers and Consultants

  • Travel

  • Fly Fishing

  • And More . . . 


All of our services follow StoryBrand's proven, tested marketing strategies for driving business growth.




Get a Brand Messaging Guide with the words you need to connect with your audience.

Website Design​


Apply the new message to your website to win trust and generate leads. 




Build a sales funnel to follow up with leads and convert them into sales. 


here's how it works

Act One

Redirect your business story so it connects with customers. Matt Wolfe Marketing Consultant

Find the right message

We'll guide you through the proven StoryBrand Framework to reveal it.

Act Two

Apply It To YOur Website

Your business has a great story. Let's help it connect with its audience. Matt Wolfe Marketing

Turn your website into a trust-winning, lead-generating engine for growth.

Act Three

Stage a revival of your company's marketing platform. Matt Wolfe Marketing - Consulting, Design, and Coaching

Keep sharing your message with leads! Stay connected and convert them into sales.

connect and grow

Free In-Depth Marketing Assessment

Take the Free StoryBrand Marketing Assessment - Matt Wolfe Certified Guide.png

Learn where your marketing is falling short!


This is one of the most powerful tools StoryBrand has ever released, and it's completely free. This 10-minute assessment generates an in-depth marketing playbook which is 100% customized to your business.


Take the My StoryBrand Marketing Report assessment here.


Then, Schedule a free 30-minute call with me to go over the results and create a plan. This part is totally optional, but I'm here to help.

Free Assessment

StoryBRand Resources


Use these tools to study the StoryBrand Framework on your own!

Click any image to access the resource.

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Learn the StoryBrand Framework.

Buy Marketing Made Simple by StoryBrand - Matt Wolfe.jpg

Learn How to Use the Framework in Your Marketing.

Follow StoryBrand's Marketing Made Simple Podcast - Matt Wolfe.jpg

Follow the Podcast for more ideas and applications.

Companies feel like they have to gamble time and money on marketing. Matt Wolfe StoryBrand Certified Guide

Too many marketing campaigns fail to connect with their audience.


I'll guide you through a proven framework that gives you a clear story to tell and a plan how to use it so you can drive growth for your business.


Let's Talk

Let's Talk about your story!

Schedule a call today. ​We'll walk through a free, 30-minute consultation to discover how StoryBrand can drive growth for your business.

schedule a Call!

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